Color Shift
You have 0 color shifts,
boosting ALL spice generators 1.00x
Requires 50 red spice galaxies
Color boost 10 times to unlock Prestige
5.00 g
red spice
+0.000 g red spice/sec
Red Spice Strengthener
You have 0 red spice strenghteners,
boosting all red spice generators 1.00x
10.0 g
yellow spice
+0.000 g yellow spice/sec
Yellow Spice Strengthener
You have 0 yellow spice strenghteners,
boosting all red & yellow spice generators 1.00x
20.0 g
green spice
+0.000 g green spice/sec
Green Spice Strengthener
You have 0 green spice strenghteners,
boosting all red, yellow & green spice generators 1.00x
40.0 g
blue spice
+0.000 g blue spice/sec
Blue Spice Strengthener
You have 0 blue spice strenghteners,
boosting all red, yellow, green & blue spice generators 1.00x
80.0 g
pink spice
+0.000 g pink spice/sec
Pink Spice Strengthener
You have 0 pink spice strenghteners,
boosting ALL spice generators 1.00x
0.000 μg
rainbow spice
+0.000 μg rainbow spice/sec
10 color boosts required
+1.00 μg rainbow spice
Auto-Prestige Goal (Color Boosts):
Auto-Prestige Delta (Color Boosts):
Auto-Prestige Goal (Rainbow Spice):
Auto-Prestige Delta (Rainbow Spice):
Auto-Prestige Goal (Real Seconds):
Current Auto-Prestige Goal: 10 color boosts
Currently: +0.000 μg rainbow spice/min Peak: +0.000 μg rainbow spice/min at 0 color boosts
0.000 g
crystallized spice
+0.000 g crystallized spice/sec
0.000 μg
rainbow spice
+0.000 μg rainbow spice/sec
Crystal Infusion
You have 0 crystal infusions,
boosting all normal spice generators 1.00x
Crystallized Spice Strengthener
You have 0 crystallized spice strenghteners,
boosting crystallized spice generators 1.00x
0.000 μg
rainbow spice
+0.000 μg rainbow spice/sec
Ansuz Runes
0 ᚫ
+0.000 ᚫ/sec
1.798e308 μg rainbow spice required
+1 ᚫ
Auto-Ascend Goal (Runes):
Auto-Ascend Delta (Runes):
Auto-Ascend Goal (Real Seconds):
Current Auto-Ascend Goal: +1 ᚫ
Stop Ascending after Challenge 11:
Currently: +0.000 ᚫ/min Peak: +0.000 ᚫ/min at +0 ᚫ
The Distributor
Portion of rune gains to distribute:
Your Ansuz runes can be converted into any of the three rune types below
Each one makes rune power of its own variety, boosting spice production of its respective type(s)
Ansuz runes can also be spent on other things than conversion
Jera Runes
You have 0 ᛡ, producing 0 ᛡ power/sec
You have 0 ᛡ power, boosting red spice production 1.00x
Raido Runes
You have 0 ᚱ, producing 0 ᚱ power/sec
You have 0 ᚱ power, boosting yellow, green, & blue spice production 1.00x
Othala Runes
You have 0 ᛟ, producing 0 ᛟ power/sec
You have 0 ᛟ power, boosting pink spice production 1.00x
Entering an Ascension Challenge will reset your current Ascension
You must Ascend with the required amount of rainbow spice to complete the Challenge
Ascension automation and rainbow spice multipliers are disabled in Ascension Challenges
No Ascension Challenges unlocked yet
0.000 mg
arcane spice
+0.000 mg arcane spice/sec
Ansuz Runes
0 ᚫ
+0.000 ᚫ/sec
Arcane Enchantment
You have 0 arcane enchantments,
boosting all crystallized spice generators 1.00x
Complete Challenge 1 to unlock arcane spice!
Arcane Spice Strengthener
You have 0 arcane spice strenghteners,
boosting arcane spice generators 1.00x
atomic spice
Challenge 6 required
+1 atomic spice
Atomic spice gains are based on total spice produced
Collapse 5 times to unlock Research
Auto-Collapse Goal (Atomic Spice):
Auto-Collapse Delta (Atomic Spice):
Auto-Collapse Goal (Real Seconds):
Auto-Collapse Goal (Real Seconds after Full Decay):
Current Auto-Collapse Goal: +1.000e50 atomic spice
Currently: +0.000 atomic spice/min Peak: +0.000 atomic spice/min at +0 atomic spice
The Spice Collider
unstable spice
Your unstable spice is decaying away with a half-life of 10 minutes,
and will be completely decayed in a very long time
decayed spice
Unstable spice decay is boosting all normal spice production 1.00x
atomic spice
Research automation:
Switch view automatically:
Select a research:
Completed researches:
Research #1
The half-life of unstable spice becomes 33% shorter
Current unstable spice half-life: 10 minutes
Data on this research: 0 / 2,000
Estimated time to completion: 33 minutes, 20 seconds
When researching, you gain 1.00 data/sec
Entering a Collapse Challenge will reset your current Collapse
You must Collapse for the required amount of atomic spice to complete the Challenge
Collapse automation and atomic spice multipliers are disabled in Collapse Challenges,
and Collapse Challenge rewards do not apply in the Challenge they're from
Time in each Challenge (in real seconds):
Time between Challenge sweeps (in real seconds):
Collapse Challenge automation does not work during background/offline progress
0.000s until next sweep
No Collapse Challenges unlocked yet
Your antispice boosts have been reduced due to being in a Collapse challenge
basic antispice
Your basic antispice is boosting arcane spice production 1.00x,
and making first generators 0.000% stronger
red antispice
Your red antispice is boosting red spice production 1.00x,
improving synergy between colors by 0.000%,
and making second generators 0.000% stronger
yellow antispice
Your yellow antispice is boosting yellow spice production 1.00x,
making color boosts and strengtheners 1.00x stronger,
and making third generators 0.000% stronger
green antispice
Your green antispice is boosting green spice production 1.00x,
making crystal infusions and arcane enchantments 1.00x stronger,
and making fourth generators 0.000% stronger
blue antispice
Your blue antispice is boosting blue spice production 1.00x,
increasing Prestige and Ascension gains by 0.000%,
and making fifth generators 0.000% stronger
pink antispice
Your pink antispice is boosting pink spice production 1.00x,
boosting crystallized spice production 1.00x,
and making sixth generators 0.000% stronger
rainbow antispice
You have a total of 0 rainbow antispice
Antispice Perks
Hovered Realm
↓ More ↓
Auto-Revisit Goal (Galactic Shards):
Auto-Revisit Goal (Real Seconds):
Currently: +0.000 galactic shards/min Peak: +0.000 galactic shards/min at +0 galactic shards
galactic shards
Current Realm
+0.000% normal spice power
+0.000% special spice power
+0.000% reset gain power
(Dark spice and galactic shards are unaffected by these effects)
0.000 kg
dark spice
+0.000 g dark spice/sec
galactic shards
Dark Construct
You have 0 dark constructs,
boosting all normal spice generators 1.00x
Dark Conversion
You have 0 dark conversions,
increasing atomic spice efficiency by 0%
Dark Spice Accelerator
You have 0 dark spice accelerators,
applying the gamespeed boost to dark spice production with 0% strength,
effectively making dark spice production 1.00x faster
Dark Spice Strengthener
You have 0 dark spice strenghteners,
boosting dark spice generators 1.00x
galactic shards
More galactic upgrades coming soon...
You have 5.000 g red spice
You have accumulated a total of 5.000 g spice
You have played for a total of 0.000 seconds
Last 10 Prestiges:
#1 (no data)
#2 (no data)
#3 (no data)
#4 (no data)
#5 (no data)
#6 (no data)
#7 (no data)
#8 (no data)
#9 (no data)
#10 (no data)
Average rainbow spice gain: undefined
Last 10 Ascensions:
#1 (no data)
#2 (no data)
#3 (no data)
#4 (no data)
#5 (no data)
#6 (no data)
#7 (no data)
#8 (no data)
#9 (no data)
#10 (no data)
Average Ansuz rune gain: undefined
Last 10 Collapses:
#1 (no data)
#2 (no data)
#3 (no data)
#4 (no data)
#5 (no data)
#6 (no data)
#7 (no data)
#8 (no data)
#9 (no data)
#10 (no data)
Average atomic spice gain: undefined
Last 10 Expansions:
#1 (no data)
#2 (no data)
#3 (no data)
#4 (no data)
#5 (no data)
#6 (no data)
#7 (no data)
#8 (no data)
#9 (no data)
#10 (no data)
Average galactic shard gain: undefined
Up: Next tab
Down: Previous tab
Right: Next subtab
Left: Previous subtab
1-6: Buy until X of generator
Shift+1-6: Buy 1 of generator
S: Buy strengthener
M: Max all
B: Color shift/boost
P: Prestige
I: Buy crystal infusion
A: Ascend
R: Distribute HALF Runes
Shift+R: Distribute ALL Runes
X: Exit challenge
N: Buy arcane enchantment
C: Collapse
Y: Activate Collider
E: Expand
K: Buy dark construct
V: Buy dark conversion
Name generation code by Airapport
Tab/subtab hotkeys by Hedrauta
Spice Idle v1.8.0
Made by Zakuro
Last updated March 13, 2025
Confused? After the v1.7.0 update of Spice Idle, the game is no longer compatible with older versions.
You can find v1.6.5 (and your old save) on Spice Idle Classic.
If you'd like to continue in the new game from about where you were, you should check out the Savebank.