Badges: | 0 |
Pokédex: | 0 |
Time: | 0 |
Dungeon guides will automatically guide you through the dungeon, opening any chest they come accross, go down ladders they find and start boss battles.
You must pay an upfront cost for however many attempts you want to run of the dungeon (non refundable), they will however give you a discount the more runs you purchase in one go.
They do not guarantee a successful dungeon clear, and will charge regardless of the outcome.
Each guide operates at their own speed, with some possessing a sense for specific dungeon tiles and others actively avoiding particular tiles whenever possible.
NOTE: This is a beta feature, so things are likely to change in future updates;
feel free to post any feedback/bugs in the Discord.
Dungeon Attempts |
Guide Cost |
Dungeon Cost |
Description |
Description |
Cost / Run |
Movement Speed |
Speed |
Statistics |
Attempts |
Clears |
Attempts Remaining |
Attempts |
Name | Ball | Qty |
Battle Items are disabled.
Z-Moves are disabled.
bonus |
00:00 left
Achievement Description | |
0 / 1000
Click Attack: |
Click Attack: |
Click Attack: |
Click Attack: |
Pokémon Attack: |
Here you will be battling through many stages to earn Battle Points.
There is no regional attack debuff or weather effects.
You can leave early and return to your checkpoint later on.
You'll get special items if you reach special milestone stages.
When you are ready, click Start!
Note: there is no click damage in the Battle Frontier.
Upcoming Rewards | |
Stage | Reward |
– | You've received every available reward. Congratulations! |
Equip another Oak Item! | |
Oak Items are disabled. |
0 / 1000
Activate in-game challenge modes!
Challenges can be disabled later, but cannot be re-enabled.
Statistic | Amount |
Time Played | - |
- | - |
You have no active multipliers of this type |
General | |
Currency | |
Hatchery | |
Farm | |
Underground | |
Other | |
Map Colors | |
setting name |
Modals | |
Farm | |
Underground | |
Oak Items | |
Number Keys
Poké Ball Selector | |
Number Keys
Dungeon | |
Town | |
Number Keys
Shop | |
Number Keys
Ship | |
Number Keys
Safari | |
Other | |
- or +
setting name |
or download the offline Windows client:
The Start Menu also has a button to open the Wiki.
This is a setting on browsers that slows down inactive windows.
You can change the browser flags, but this is not recommended.
Otherwise you can download the Windows client from here:
Read the in-game Tutorial.
Set the "Caught" selector in the top left to Poké Ball to capture Pokémon you have already caught.
The damage you do against an enemy Pokémon is the sum of the attack of all Pokémon the player has, after type effectiveness, type weakness, and other multipliers are applied.
For players' Pokémon with two types, only the most efficient type is applied
For enemy Pokémon with two types, effectiveness and weakness is applied once to each type.
For enemy Pokémon with one type, effectiveness and weakness is applied twice to that single type.
Other factors that will multiply damage value include flutes, battle items, and weather. Gems can be used to change the effectiveness and weakness multipliers as well.
Player can check the attack against a specific Pokémon they are fighting by hovering over Pokémon attack value.
No. Your file is saved in your browser data. We recommend making frequent backups of your save data.
Yes! Download a copy of the save file from Start Menu → Save, transfer it to the other device, and import it from the save selector screen.
Note that progress does not automatically carry over between devices.
Your save file will likely be compatible with the final release.
The chance to encounter a roaming Pokémon is 1/8192
for the first route of a region, and increases linearly up to 1/4096
for the last route of a region.
("first" and "last" here just being the route difficulty/HP, not necessarily the order you reach the route)
On a Route: 1/8192
In a Dungeon: 1/4096
Using an Evolution Item: 1/2048
In the Safari Zone: 1/1024
From a Shop: 1/1024
From Hatching an Egg: 1/1024
From a Reward: 1/1024
From a Battle Frontier Milestone: 1/1024
Wandering on the Farm: 1/1024
Yes, they give an extra 100% bonus to Click Attack.
Yes, once a Pokémon is shiny, it will always remain shiny.
No, you will need to obtain the evolution's shiny via a different method.
You can use evolution items by clicking Items in the Start Menu.
They can be used in the underground to restore energy.
These items can be used in the Farm to grow more berries and earn farm points.
They can be exchanged for different items or Pokémon in Berry Master Shops.
They have special Auras that can provide Gameplay bonuses.
They can attract wild Pokémon to the Farm that can be captured, some of which can only be obtained this way.
Some berries can be obtained as Pokémon drops or from dungeon chests, but most are obtained through mutation on the Farm.
The Kanto Berry Master in Cerulean City will provide daily hints about how to mutate the various berries.
There is a maximum of 3 active slots.
Currently Kanto through ... are able to be played.
You must defeat the league champion of the current region. If you have regional Pokedex challenge active you must obtain all Pokémon available in the current region.
Note: Once you go to the next region, you will not be able to go back to previous regions until you reach the dock.
New Pokémon you capture, shinies obtained, Pokémon made resistant to Pokérus, and Purified Pokémon all increase your click attack.
You must defeat the Gym Leader manually 10 times.
Dungeons will become smaller at 10, 100, 1,000, etc. clears to a minimum of 5x5 tiles.
Tier 1:
100 clears
Tier 2:
250 clears
Tier 3:
400 clears
You need to have cleared the dungeon at least 10 times in order to make use of Dungeon Guides.
Dungeons can't get bigger than 10x10, instead they get a second floor of at least 5x5. The boss tile is always in the second floor, the first floor has a stairs tile instead. When you reach the second floor, time stops and you get 10 extra seconds.
Yes, you can unlock up to 4 quest slots.
Quest Level 5:
2 slots
Quest Level 10:
3 slots
Quest Level 15:
4 slots
Route 14
Route 5, or click List on the hatchery
Route 11
Buy the Explorer Kit from Cinnabar Island.
Will be unlocked after reaching Route 3.
Will be unlocked after reaching route 11 and obtaining Berries
Some Pokémon can only be obtained by breeding.
When a Pokémon is hatched, its attack will increase by 25% of the base amount.
Breeding has higher odds of obtaining a shiny Pokémon (1/1024)
Check that you have completed every route.
Check that each dungeon has been completed.
Some Pokémon only come from Eggs.
Some can only be obtained by using an Evolution Item.
Some can only be found in the Safari Zone.
Fossil Pokémon can only be obtained with the correlating Fossil from the Underground.
Some can only be purchased from a Shop.
(Roamers) Some legendaries will randomly appear on routes.
(Babies) Breed their evolution.
Some can only evolve at certain times of the day.
Some can only evolve in specific locations.
Some can only appear/evolve in specific weather.
Time of Day | Icon | Start | End |
EVs | Damage Multiplier |
50 EVs | 1.5x Damage |
802 EVs | 2x Damage |
40,121 EVs | 3x Damage |
643,300 EVs | 4x Damage |
5,540,000 EVs | 5x Damage |
..and so on |
Pokérus is a beneficial virus your Pokémon can catch. EVs, also called Effort Values, increase the attack of your Pokémon.
EVs are unlocked after defeating the Distortion World dungeon in Sinnoh.
Pokérus is spread by Pokémon that are infected, to other Pokémon in the hatchery (not in the queue) that share a type with the infected Pokémon. Neither Pokémon can be ready to hatch, nor can a Hatchery Helper be used on either Pokémon.
EVs can be gained in a variety of ways, but are primarily gained by capturing (not breeding) Pokémon.
You can use the Contagious Poké Ball selector (unlocked after getting Pokérus) to focus catching Pokémon with less than 50 EVs. Note that setting this selector to "Do not catch" will prevent you from catching any Contagious Pokémon, even if your Caught selector has a Poké Ball set.
Base Yield: 0.1EV
Base Wanderer Yield: 0.2EV
Wanderer Yield: 1EV
Evolution Item / Shopmon / Safari Yield: 1EV
Shadow Modifier: 2×
Shiny Modifier: 5×
Dungeon Modifier: 3×
Dungeon Mimic / Dungeon Boss Modifier: 10×
Roamer Modifier: 50×
Repeat Ball Modifier: 5×
Macho Brace Modifier: 1.5×
Power Bracer Modifier: 2×
Rowap Aura Modifier: Multiplier
based off Farm Setup
Blue Flute Modifier: %
based off Achievement Bonus
The EV damage multiplier is multiplicative, and scales linearly until 1.5x (50 EVs). The bonus thereafter has diminishing returns relative to the number of EVs gained, but has no limit.
: Pokémon that have not been infected with Pokérus.
: Pokémon has Pokérus, but cannot spread Pokérus or gain EVs until hatching.
: Pokémon with less than 50 EVs.
: Pokémon with 50 or more EVs. These Pokémon will still be able to spread Pokérus.
They are options you can select when starting a new save to make the game harder or more complex by modifying mechanics.
Note: You can deactivate the challenges at any point, but they cannot be activated later.
You don't get anything special for having challenges active, but each challenge will give you a ribbon on your trainer profile.
Lowers the attack of Pokémon that aren't native to the current region.
The strength of the debuff is based on your highest region, not the region you are battling in.
Pokémon retain 20% of their attack in Johto and this value raises by 10% each region.
Note: This challenge is activated by default.
Requires a complete regional Pokédex before moving on to the next region.
You only need one of each Pokémon to be able to move to the next region. Any form of the Pokémon is valid even if it isn't the base form.
Note: This challenge is activated by default.
Disables the ability to use click attacks.
You still can click in the very first battle of the game.
Disables the usage of X Attack, X Click, Lucky Egg, Token Collector, Dowsing Machine, and Lucky Incense.
You can still buy or find these items even if you can't use them.
Disables the usage of Master Balls.
You still can buy them, so you can complete the related achievements.
Disables the usage of all Oak items.
The achievements related to leveling up these items will disappear, and the percentages will be distributed among the other general achievements.
In order to get the berries that mutate while using some Oak Items you can buy them in Johto berry master once you have unlocked the berry that evolves to them.
Disables the usage of Gems to increase damage multipliers.
You can still get gems and use them to buy items such as flutes or Pokémon.
Disables the usage of vitamins.
You can still buy and find them, so the related achievements can still be completed. After getting them you can get a money refund by inputting the code: "REFUND-VITAMINS" (one use only).
Gain EVs 10x times slower.
If the challenge is deactivated, the EVs will get multiplied back.
Your Pokémon go away when they evolve.
When your Pokémon evolve their stats are carried over to the evolution. This includes times hatched, EVs, and shiny status.
If the base Pokémon had a Held Item, it will be carried over to the evolution unless the item is incompatible. For example, Light Ball won't be transferred to a Raichu but a Magnet will.
Baby Pokémon aren't considered evolutions but gifts.
There are currently no plans for a "final release".
Maybe once all the regions are added that will be version 1.0.0
This is a current priority, but there are no set timelines; it will be ready when it is ready.
The original game was developed by @IshaD#1866, who has since decided to stop work on this project.
Since then, lots of people have helped by contributing code via GitHub.
The GitHub repo is located here:
Any new issues, suggestions or code contributions are always welcomed.
You may even earn the @Poké Crew, @Code Contributor or @Developer roles in Discord.
Event | Description | Start Time | End Time | Activate | ||
- |
- |
Time left: - |
Hello, there! Welcome to the world of Pokémon!
My name is Oak. People affectionately refer to me as the Pokémon Professor.
This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokémon!
For some people, Pokémon are pets. Other use them for battling.
As for myself… I study Pokémon as a profession.
However, your very own Pokémon legend is about to unfold!
A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits! Let's go!
Oh No! We got ambushed by these Pokémon!
I can only hold off two! Pick the one you want to fight!
You can click on it to inflict damage
Pick a starter for your next region
Hm! Excellent! You have caught your first Pokémon!
This is where your journey begins.
You can progress to the next route after you have defeated 10 Pokémon.
To help you on your journey, I will give you these Key Items!
You can view all your Key Items in the start menu.
Teachy TV
Coin Case
Poké Ball Bag
So, you won! Congratulations!
You are the new Pokémon League champion!
You have grown up so much since you first left with starter!
There are many more regions to explore!
I heard from Professor Elm that you had just conquered the Johto Pokémon League! Congratulations!
You are the new Johto League champion!
Professor Birch told me that you just beat the Hoenn Pokémon League! Congratulations!
You are the new Hoenn League champion!
I heard from Professor Rowan that you had just conquered the Sinnoh Pokémon League! Congratulations!
You are the new Sinnoh League champion!
Professor Juniper told me that you also beat the Unova Pokémon League! Congratulations!
You are the new Unova League champion!
Professor Sycamore just told me. You are unstoppable! Congratulations!
You are the new Kalos League champion!
Professor Kukui told me that you just beat the Alola Pokémon League! Congratulations!
You are the new Alola League champion!
Professor Magnolia told me that you just beat the Galar Pokémon League! Congratulations!
You are the new Galar League champion!
In order to move on you will need to capture all available Pokémon from the current region!
Congratulations on completing the Pokédex!
You can now travel on to !
There are a few things you should know before you depart:
You will gain queue slots in the Hatchery.
When Pokémon are in a Region they're not native to, they will only retain of their total attack.
Dungeons in the Region will be significantly less likely to drop Epic, Legendary, and Mythic loot.
You will also have to progress to the Dock in before you are able to travel between regions again.
Use gems to upgrade the type effectiveness of your Pokémon.
When you defeat a Pokémon, you get gems based on its type.
Each upgrade increases your effectiveness by
Cost / Hatch: | |
Step Efficiency: |
Attack Efficiency: |
Hatched: |
Bonus to Efficiency: |
Sort: |
Category: |
You can leave your level 100 Pokémon here in the hatchery to gain an egg of the same Pokémon.
NOTE: Base attack is the value your Pokémon originally has at level 100, before any breeding buffs.
Any Proteins applied to Pokémon will give them an additional 1 attack per hatch, but require 20 more steps.
Any Calciums applied to Pokémon will give them an additional 1% of their base attack per hatch, but require 20 more steps.
Any Carbos applied to Pokémon will reduce the steps required per hatch.
Hatching a shiny Pokémon will grant it 5 times the usual attack gain. Note that this bonus does not apply to every hatch of existing shiny pokemon. In other words, if you breed a shiny Pokémon, it will only receive the bonus if it hatches shiny again.
There is no limit to breeding, so this will be your main source of attack gain.
You will gain access to a queue in the hatchery once you reach the Johto region, and more queue slots for each new region reached after that.
(unlocked after hatching 100 total Pokémon)
Hatchery Helpers will help out by automatically breeding your Pokémon for you.
The cost displayed is how much you will be charged per hatch.
They will only breed Pokémon based on your current Hatchery filters.
All of the Helpers have different step efficiencies and will hatch eggs faster or slower depending on their value.
They each also have different attack efficiencies, which will determine how much attack you gain compared to manually hatching the Pokémon yourself.
These efficiencies will gain a bonus based on how many times you've used the helper to hatch eggs.
More Hatchery Helpers can be unlocked through shops and hatching more Pokémon
Equip your Cell Battery Oak Item to use the Battery.
Information |
Level | |
Favorite mine | |
Discover chance | |
Look for favorite | |
Smart tool use | |
Reward retention | |
Auto-sell |
Work cycle | |
Energy Restore |
There are six different types of mines you can search for in the Underground. Understanding their unique properties and the discovery times involved is crucial for efficient mining. The Underground lexicon can be found at the bottom of this page.
A new mine can be manually found by clicking the Find mine button in the Dig tab.
Automatically starting a new mine happens in the following cases:
Note that this does NOT ignore the discovery time needed.
When you (not your helper) are searching for a mine, there is a 4% chance for the mine to be a Special mine. This mine only contains 1 item, which can be any of the mega stones (if eligible) or other special items.
The discovery time is calculated as follows:
The discovery time starts at
The amount of treasure a player can find is random, between the minimum (inclusive) and maximum (inclusive), and increases as their Underground Level increases:
The Underground offers
Using a tool is only possible when your tool is durable enough. When you use your tool successfully it will take some damage, which will be repaired over time. The tool will repair X% over Y seconds. Each tool has its own repair rate and repairs a certain percentage of the tool's durability. The repair rate is reduced by Z seconds based on your Underground Level. When a tool reaches a repair rate of 0 seconds, it's durability will stay at 100%.
A tool only counts as used if its action is successful, meaning it accomplishes its intended task (e.g., mining layers or indicating tiles).
There are
The Battery is a system that charges up as you or your helper mines tiles. In order to charge up you need to have your Cell Battery Oak Item equipped.
Each successful mining attempt will add 1 charge, up to a maximum of
When your battery is fully charged up, you can discharge it. This discharge will leave a pattern of cleared tiles behind. With higher level patterns, which damage more tiles, becoming available as you level up your Cell Battery.
All patterns and their requirements are available in the help section of the Battery on the Dig tab.
Helpers are characters you can hire to assist with mining tasks. They perform actions at certain timing intervals and become more efficient as they level up. Each of them bring their own powerful tools, so their actions will not affect the durability of your tools.
Using tools and helpers not only helps you gather treasures but also grants experience that helps in leveling up.
Trading allows you to exchange items within the same category. Here’s how it works:
Set Trade Amount
Set Trade Amount
Tier | Name | Requirements | Chance | |
Pokémon Stats | |
Type | |
Base Attack | - |
Current Attack | -
Attack at level 100 | -
EVs |
EV bonus | -
Catch Rate | -
Hatch Steps | -
Breeding Efficiency |
Rare Hold Item |
Gender Ratio |
Held Item |
Display Gender | |
Hide Shiny Sprite | |
Show Shadow |
Statistics | |
Encountered |
Defeated |
Captured |
Hatched |
Shinies Encountered |
Shinies Defeated |
Shinies Captured |
Shinies Hatched |
Vitamins | |
Vitamins Used | -
X Used | -
Pokémon | Vitamins Used | X Used | Attack Bonus | Egg Steps | Breeding Efficiency |
- | - | - | - | - |
Pokémon | Vitamins Used |
Breeding Efficiency | Attack Bonus | Egg Steps |
- | - | - |
You can paste your old PokéClicker save file here, to keep shinies:
Description |
Reward |
Status |
Name | Step | |
Name | Bulletin Board |
In the farm you can plant and harvest Berries.
Each Berry type takes a different amount of time to grow.
Once fully grown, the Berry plant can be manually harvested with a click or by a hired Farm Hand. Both methods will yield Farm Points.
Otherwise, after some time being fully grown, the Berry plant will wither away,
dropping half of the expected Berries, though it may also be re-planted automatically.
(Farm Points are not gained when Berries wither or get replanted!)
Additional plots can be unlocked by spending Berries.
Berries have the chance to cause mutations and create new Berry species in empty plots based on certain conditions.
(The Berry Master in Kanto will give you daily hints to what these conditions may be.)
There are two types of mutations:
Common mutations: They require specific Berries to happen. These mutations only happen at Ripe stage.
Evolution mutations: They usually require a Berry changing into other and are related with flavour profiles or use of objects. These mutations can start to happen at Taller stage.
Mulches can be bought in later regions from Berry Masters. They last 5 minutes each and can be stacked. However, you cannot combine multiple types of mulch on the same plot!
They can be used on plots for different effects:
Boost Mulch | Increases the growth rate of Berry plants. |
Rich Mulch | Increases the number of Berries harvested. |
Surprise Mulch | Increases the chances of mutations. |
Amaze Mulch | A weaker combination of Boost, Rich and Surprise mulch. |
Freeze Mulch | Stops Berry growth and auras. Mutations will still occur while Berries are frozen. |
Gooey Mulch | Boosts Wanderer catch rate by 10% and increases the chance of non-base Wanderers appearing. Available from Unova. |
If you want to remove a Berry plant before it is fully grown, you can use a Shovel to uproot it. This will consume the Shovel. Using it on a ripe Berry, however, will function the same as a normal harvest, and the Shovel will not be consumed!
If you want to remove a mulch, you can use Mulch Shovels. Using one will remove the full mulch effect, regardless of the time remaining.
(Both types of shovels can be purchased in later regions from Berry Masters.)
You can lock specific plots by toggling on the lock with the lock button
or using the hotkey .
You can also press Shift + Click while having any tool/Berry selected to safely lock a plot.
Locking a plot prevents you from planting, harvesting,
or interacting with the plot in any way.
Locked plots ignore Harvest All, Plant All, or Mulch All buttons as well as Farm Hand activity.
You can unlock a plot by using the toggle or pressing Shift + Click on the plot again.
Berries can be traded with Berry Masters in later regions for other useful items.
Ripe Berry plants may attract wild Pokémon that you can then capture. Some Pokémon can only be found using certain Berry species.
Some Berry Auras will increase or decrease the chance of encountering Wandering Pokémon.
When a Pokémon wanders onto your farm they will appear on a plot next to the Berry and will remain there until interacted with or will flee a couple minutes after the Berry is harvested or withers.
Your Poké Ball Filters will be used when attempting to capture a Wanderer. Farm Hands can also be used for this by enabling their Manage Wanderers setting.
Interacting with a Wanderer will earn you Farm Points whether you catch it or not. Successfully capturing one will net you Dungeon Tokens.
(Unlocked after obtaining 8 unique Berries.)
Farm Hands can help around the Farm; they will harvest and plant Berries as needed or catch wild wanderers, and accrue Farm Points while doing so.
Up to 3 Farm Hands can be hired at a time.
If they run out of energy, they won't do any work for that cycle, but will regenerate some energy instead. If there's no work to do currently, they will also regenerate some energy. Firing them will allow them to recover energy at the same rate as if they were still hired.
Efficiency refers to how many actions they can do per work cycle.
More Farm Hands can be unlocked through shops and unlocking unique Berries.
Monitor and interact with the farm in a limited capacity without opening the full modal. Harvest or plant Berries, apply mulch, use shovels, and lock/unlock plots with the extended controls.
Hide the extended controls for less clutter while still being able to plant and harvest Berries or disable the module completely in the settings.
You can also use Shift + Click to safely lock/unlock a plot.
The Farm shortcut will be hidden when the Farm module is enabled.
Information |
Cost: | |
Work Speed: | 01m 00s |
Efficiency: |
Max Energy: |
Settings |
Should Harvest: | |
Manage Wanderers: ⓘ | |
Berry Planting: | |
Allowed Plots: | |
![]() |
Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Form | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Berry Color | - |
Size | - |
Firmness | - |
Aura |
Time | Length | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Growth Duration | - |
Berry Stage Duration | - |
Total Life Span | - |
Farming Info | Data | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Harvest Amount | - |
Replant Rate | - |
Farm Points per Harvest | - |
Statistic | Amount | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Amount |
Total Harvested | - |
Total Obtained | - |
Hint |
The Safari Zone uses a different method of encountering and capturing Pokémon, and it contains several unique Pokémon.
After paying the entrance fee, you will be able to walk around in the Safari Zone. To encounter Pokémon, you must either walk in the tall grass or walk into Pokémon that randomly appear on the map.
As you perform actions, you will gain Safari XP and increase your Safari Level. If you catch a Pokémon, there is a chance an item will appear on the map.
When you have encountered a Pokémon, you will be given 4 options:
Ball | This will throw a Poké Ball and give you a chance of capturing the Pokémon. Provides 10 Safari XP. |
Rock | Throwing a Rock will make the Pokémon angry, and more likely to flee, but easier to catch. Provides 10 Safari XP. |
Bait | Throwing any kind of Bait will make the Pokémon eat, and less likely to flee, but harder to catch. Berry Baits change the base rates of the Pokémon, with Razz lowering flee rate, and Nanab increasing catch rate. Only one Berry effect can be present at a time. Provides 5 Safari XP. |
Run | This will end the encounter. |
Catching a Pokémon will provide 50 Safari XP. Shiny is 5×
Picking up an item will provide 10 Safari XP.
After your turn of the encounter, if it did not result in the encounter ending, the wild Pokémon will have a chance of running away.
Your safari exploration will end when you have run out of Poké Balls. You can freely leave and re-enter without having to pay the fee again as long as you still have Poké Balls remaining.
Safari Level will increase the effectiveness of Rocks and Bait, the catch chance, the Egg Steps gained from walking, and the odds that an item will spawn when a Pokémon is caught.
Some items are not available until a certain Safari Level is reached.
Every 10 Safari Levels, the animation will speed up by the following values:
Ball | Description | Qty |
** Filters closer to the top have a higher priority! **
This tab is useful for making sure what your filters match, and which ones take precedence. See the Help tab for more details.
Configure these options to describe a Pokémon you want to test:
None of your enabled filters match this scenario
*** ***
Use this tab to add, edit, re-order, and remove Pokéball filters.
Click the "Toggle Settings" button for a filter to configure how it works. Options listed first are all the values that are checked when catching - you can click their to remove these. The darker options below that are not checked. You can click their button to include it in the filter, and choose a value it must match.
Filters can be re-ordered by dragging them from the bar on the left side of each filter. You can click the x on the right of each filter to remove them - this will open a confirmation box to prevent accidentally deleting one.
Some filter options and default filters are hidden at the start of the game, and will unlock as they become relevant.
The "Enabled" toggle allows you to turn a filter off. Disabled filters will be grayed out in the filter list on the main game screen, and also in the Test Filters tab. The "Inverted" toggle, when turned on, will make that filter ignore any Pokémon that match its conditions, and catch all the rest.
You can hover (or tap) the icon for a description of what the filter will catch.
Right click (or long press on mobile) can be used to enable/disable filters from the main screen without opening this menu.
In some scenario, multiple of your filters may meet all of their conditions, but only one can be used to choose a ball for catching.
This tab will allow you to see exactly which will be chosen, for some scenario you configure with the settings in the tab.
For instance, if you wanted to know what is used for a shiny Rattata, when you already have a normal Rattata, you would turn on the "Shiny" and "Caught" toggles, but leave the others off.
With the default catch filters, you will see that both "Caught" and "New Shiny" meet their conditions, but the "New Shiny" filter is the one used for catching. The filter furthest down in your list that matches all conditions is the one used. The highlighted filters are ones that matched the scenario.
Name | Damage | Type 1 | Type 2 |
Color | Name | |||
⠿ |
Move Pokémon To: |
+ New |
Card titleDescription Previously Started |
No new quests available. |
Pokémon: | Held item: |
Cost Per Spin | Owned |
Maximum Spins |
Time |
Pokémon | Attack |
Attack |
In Pokemon Contests, you select a lineup of three Pokemon to compete in the day’s contest. Each day, there will be only one pokemon Type allowed to enter the contest.
The contestants will be judged according to one Style. Each Pokemon can be given one berry to use as part of their entry.
Pokemon Contests can only be entered once per day, and all entries are final. The total score of the team and their held berries is compared to the Rank requirements and the corresponding Prizes are awarded.
There are five Contest Styles. Each Pokemon’s style rating is a sum of two of their base stats.
Each Style also has an associated flavor.
The Contest Styles are:Cool | This Style is associated with Attack, Special Defense, and Spicy flavor. |
Beautiful | This Style is associated with Special Attack, Defense, and Dry flavor. |
Cute | This Style is associated with Speed, Hit Points, and Sweet flavor. |
Clever | This Style is associated with Special Attack, Special Defense, and Bitter flavor. |
Tough | This Style is associated with Hit Points, Defense, and Sour flavor. |
Getting more Style Points in a contest will give a reward of Contest Tokens. If your score is high enough, you may achieve a Rank for the contest.
The number of Style Points for each Rank are:
Normal Rank: 1-200
Super Rank: 201-450
Hyper Rank: 451-700
Master Rank: >700
Earning specific combinations of Style and Rank may unlock special prizes!