Manage your Computer's visual, performance and audio preferences.
Customise your Generator's background image to your liking.
Change how your Applications appear in the taskbar.
Applications are programs designed by Lorem Corp. to improve your productivity.
Applications which provide improved quality of life.
Applications which help you manage your Generator.
How the achievements are displayed.
Filter the achievements based on custom criteria.
Generation status: | Stopped. |
Total lorem mined: | 0 |
Stability: 100%
Estimated salary: $0.00001
> Go to Black Market. | |
$HitCoin Value: | 1.3x |
Looks like you're trying to lore impsus! Unfortunatly due to sadness you cannot lorm ismup.
No lorme can be done until you are close?
Try agian in the 5 seconds.
View current popups.
Unfortunately your brain has clicked The button!
This can result in hamful practices e.g. including but not limited to: death
Reclaim your $2.8 trillions before it DIES!
Looks like you tried to close this popup!
website Works very hard to maintain the Band's width. Pleas consider assassinating your adblock,
Kind regard,
Queen of the England
Microsoft has descovered several of the vulnerbilities inside computer.
To fix them, you must upgrade your mainframe to System 32!
Thanks for using ScreenCapture! Your download will begin shortly.
It's raining!
Your browser has occurred!. In order to prevented this, He has appeared.
The new Macbook Air1!
Doctors HATE him! watch this mann EAT several layers of CEMENT!
+20% points. (0 points)
You are todays lucky Visitor! (June)
Please complete this short survey and to say "Thanks You" we would offer the 50 dollers!
Answer these simepl questions to complete the it!
Chunky has appeared
You are our 1,000,0000th visitor!
As reward, we give you free thing!
Chunky's bananas have fallen off his tree! Save them before they disappear!
As a result of your blasphemous actions, Chunky has instructed a tax of 35% of your Lorem.
- Praise Chunk.
Chunky has ceased the production of Lorem for 20 seconds.
- Praise Chunk.
Your popups have become restless.
- Praise Chunk.
Chunky's accomplices have invaded the computer. Expect to see some performance issues.
- Praise Chunk.
Chunky has investigated your activities, and has decided to counterract your suspicious projects by temporarily decreasing your productivity.
Do better.
- The Chunk.
Download several 32 RAM's into your Laptop for free viruse!
> Insert bank acount details below!
Current password strength:
Are you do the Java script?
Do you are wanting an entry level job for a $12/h?
Apply now in order to win depression!
Do you really want to close this?
Are you assure?
Hello User! Looks like you have some unruly popups!
1 Lorem
When you have reached the required lorem, you may click the button below in order to be promoted in exchange for all of your lorem.
For many years the Intern was wrongly considered to have a soul, however after a thorough investigation by the Lorem Corp Ethics Department it has been discovered that they have no soul.
Lorem produced per second
Workforce consumed
Purchase to increase your Lorem production.
The Lorem Quota is where puny workers like yourself go to earn the unlikely prospect of better working conditions.
Once you see that the Quota has been reached in the Generator, you may click the Claim button to receive your reward.
Manage your Computer's visual, performance and audio preferences.